Board of Directors

-President and General Manager
Instigator and founder of ACM, France Capistran holds degrees in psychology and pedagogy (U. Laval), audiovisual techniques and school television, public relations (U. de M.), group animation and social and cultural animation (France).
In a career spanning more than half a century, she has touched on a thousand facets of her profession as an artist and a professional communicator: producer and director of numerous films and videos, initiator, ideator, trainer, entrepreneur, while always keeping her path as a woman of action straight.
She founded (1978) and directed PARLIMAGE CCF, a consulting and training firm in communications, film, television and video, in addition to taking on a number of internal and external communications mandates for multiple organizations (including the Canadian Space Agency, Bombardier, Domtar and various government departments).
After serving on the boards of numerous organizations, including the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television and INIS, she continues to chair the board of theater company Les Trois Tristes Tigres.
She has lived in North Hatley with her husband, writer and actor Robert Lalonde, for the past four years.

Chantal PROULX
A career scientist, Chantal Proulx holds a doctorate in microbiology and immunology from the Université de Montréal. She worked for many years for the Red Cross, Héma-Québec and was Vice-President (Education & Scientific Support) at STEMCELL Technologies Inc. After 15 years in Vancouver, she and her husband decided to return to Quebec three years ago, and a happy coincidence led them to settle in North Hatley.
Very active within ACM, Chantal Proulx supports the General Manager both in day-to-day activities and in defining major orientations.

A renowned painter, Yvan Dagenais’ artistic career spans several decades, during which he has taken numerous training courses and worked with recognized masters. His works have been exhibited in Montreal, Paris, New York, Charlevoix and the Eastern Townships, among others, and have won a number of prestigious awards. He was one of the first Canadians to become a member of the Pastel Society of America.
Retired from teaching at the Université de Sherbrooke, he continues to paint and draw, while remaining involved in community life, through Arts Cultures Massawippi, for example, or Vacances Art Nature in Coaticook and at the UTA (Memphrémagog branch).
Yvan Dagenais is ACM’s visual arts team leader.

Nathalie CARON
After studying theater and earning a master’s degree in visual and media arts (UQAM), Nathalie Caron developed a professional artistic practice in the visual arts, focusing on the relationship between image and text. With a background in Waldorf pedagogy, she also pursues a teaching career, first in visual arts and then in theater, and is now part of the team at École des Enfants-de-la-Terre, in Waterville, in the Eastern Townships.
A civil engineer, Michael Grayson has spent the last 25 years of his career specializing in the restoration of historic buildings and covered bridges. He has carried out several environmental assessments (for MAM and MTQ) and participated in the planning and implementation of bicycle paths, among others.
A lover of music, he is a chorister with Les Voix du village and is very involved as a North Hatley citizen in environmental and urban planning matters.