A unique chance was offered to citizens and passers-by to unite their imagination with that of others and take part in the creation of a collective work for the community !
No fewer than three collective murals were created over the summer, under the supervision of experienced artists and with the spontaneous participation of some 75 members of the public in all.
The first activity took place at the North Hatley public market in June, on the theme of the market’s fruit, vegetable and flower basket. Artists Anne Lavoie and Suzanne Ferland guided participants in drawing and coloring flowers, fruits and vegetables of their choice, which were then assembled on a large canvas, in lively, sunny colors. The finished work was donated to the municipality of North Hatley.
The second collective mural took place at Dreamland Park in August, and saw some twenty participants express their talent by painting the pieces of a gigantic puzzle in water-toned colors. Artist Anne Lavoie then assembled the whole and painted on the canvas living elements found in Lake Massawippi and the subject of conservation initiatives. The finished mural was donated to the Bleu Massawippi organization, whose mission is to protect and enhance Lake Massawippi.
The third collective mural was created at the Capelton mine in Hatley Township in September, under the supervision of painters Yvan Dagenais and Anne Lavoie. Visitors were invited to paint impressionistically, directly onto a large canvas, using colors evoking the depths and mysteries of the mine and the minerals that emerge from it. The finished work will be exhibited at the Capelton mine.
These activities enabled many members of the public, young and old, to enrich their strolls through the market, the park or the mine by adding their contribution to a collective work, spontaneously created according to the mood of the moment.
These collective murals reflect the imagination of the people of the Massawippi Valley, and are the fruit of a spontaneous and creative encounter with local artists.