Writing Workshops with Jonathan Harnois

During the 2024 season, writer Jonathan Harnois offered a number of highly successful writing workshops for Arts-Cultures Massawippi. Under the banner of literary audacity, these workshops offer an experience filled with discovery and astonishment. The tools, reflections and exercises give everyone the keys to nourish their creative flame and transform the blank page into a…

Visual Arts Workshops

  Arts-Cultures Massawippi’s booth at the North Hatley farmers’ market was the venue for three visual arts workshops, where many children were able to express their imagination and put their talent to work, under the watchful eye of experienced artists.   In early August, cartoonist and illustrator Pascal Biet held another of his famous workshops…

Collective Murals

  A unique chance was offered to citizens and passers-by to unite their imagination with that of others and take part in the creation of a collective work for the community !       No fewer than three collective murals were created over the summer, under the supervision of experienced artists and with the…

Artists in Action

ARTISTS IN ACTION A unique opportunity to meet and discover renowned artists who, in addition to exhibiting some of their work, willingly shared their techniques and secrets while enjoying a soak in nature at Dreamland park on the shores of Lake Massawippi A number of citizens and passers-by tried their hand at drawing, pastel or…

Photo Contest and Exhibition

From left to right : John Gronan, Charles-Alexandre Plaisir, Marie Lefebvre, Gabriel Lefebvre, Zola Dalpé, Yoan Lefebvre, Marcel Houle. The photo contest on the theme of attachment to and appreciation of the Massawippi Valley territory ended with a bang: from among a magnificent harvest of photos submitted by amateurs and professionals alike, the five jurors…

Festive 3 for 1 evening

These festive evenings include a gourmet meal, a discussion on a chosen theme, and conclude with a quality show. The 3 for 1 evenings aim to bring together the arts, artists and citizens to create a community of spirit and joy. On May 18, participants in Robert Lalonde’s writing workshop were treated to a 4-course…


The success of this lively, festive event dazzled us with the quality of dancers Faye and Bryant Lopes, world-renowned Argentine tango dancers, and also provided the opportunity to dance the tango in a milonga. Anyone who wasn’t drawn in by the tango couldn’t resist moving to the rhythm of SON NAGUAL‘s South American music. A…

Exhibition “L’Art en jeu”

Throughout the summer of 2023, the light-filled upstairs rooms of the Cie Vilandré Pub on Capelton Road in North Hatley were filled with the shapes, colors, canvases and sculptures of some 15 highly talented and experienced local artists. The first exhibition, in June and July, was an opportunity to discover or revisit painters such as…